As you race through life with no time to see,
Don’t take leave of your senses.
Take time to pause, make time to contemplate.
Just being.
Your awareness a gift,
Your senses, tools.
Appreciate all that is nature, and life.
Look up, observe
Nature’s seasonal fashions;
Rust and gold hues, a sea of light……..
The sky is a mirror of the sea –
Artist’s canvas, vignette of blue.
Clouds like waves breaking,
Shimmering feather shoals teasing the light.
Planes like boats motoring the sky,
Surf streams in their wake.
Jumbo jets cruising, majestic great whites
Of the deep Blue Yonder.
Wake up or you’ll miss
An unmissable moment.
A one off in time
Never to be repeated.
Look up
Wake up
Just be
Rachel Brushfield – Inspired by a beautiful blue sky, a practical philosophy course and the bliss from being present.
Tip – a great book about being present is Eckhart Tolle’s ‘Practicing the power of now.’
Articles from Energise include; being present, managing yourself, busyness addiction, overcoming overwhelm and managing procrastination.