I spoke to someone today who hates their job. Like many people, about 50% I’d say, they fell into their career by accident. They have 2 young children and commute 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. Not what you would call ‘quality of life’ or ‘work life balance’ or ‘job satisfaction’.
When they had decided to do something about it and end the misery, you could hear the lightness in their voice. They said having made the decision; they could feel themselves smiling more. With 20 hours on a train each week, it won’t take them long to do our career change e course and define a new career that makes them smile and fits them better.
Who does this remind you of? A friend? A family member? Maybe it’s you. End the misery and take action to plan your escape. Isn’t life too short, downturn or no downturn?