Here are some self-reflective questions to think back on 2020 and think forwards to 2021.
Block out some time for this exercise and a quiet space for some ‘you time.’
What’s worked well in 2020?
What’s worked less well in 2020?
What do I want to do more of in 2021?
What do I want to do less of in 2021?
What needs to stop altogether in 2021?
What new things, if any, do I want to introduce in 2021?
What activities can I outsource or delegate that I am currently doing myself?
What’s my ‘headline’ that sums up 2020?
What do I want my headline to be for 2021?
What does success mean to me now?
What does career fulfilment mean to me now?
What 3 S.M.A.R.T. goals do I want to set myself for 2021, a) professionally and b) personally?
What is my career vision now?
How, if at all, have my career ambitions and aspirations changed?
What tech updates/purchases need to happen in 2021 to ensure that my technology is up to date?
What are my continual professional and continual personal development goals for 2021?
What’s the question that I most need to ask myself?
What am I ‘not getting around to doing’ which is important, but hasn’t been urgent?
Best wishes for 2021.