Looking for work opportunities is a bit like going fishing.
Sometimes you catch a fish quickly and unexpectedly.
Other times it feels like it takes ages and nothing bites.
Lots of factors affect the result – how many fish, other predators, the weather conditions etc.
You don’t want to catch all the fish, just the right ones.
You need to do all you can to give yourself the best chance to catch the fish you want.
Catching the wrong fish can be time consuming and wasteful.
Focus is key.
In the on-line joined up digital age, it can be overwhelming.
This can stop you getting started in the first place.
So how can you influence what fish you catch?
Firstly you need to go fishing because otherwise you don’t give yourself the opportunity to catch a fish at all.
Secondly you need to use the right bait.
When looking for work opportunities, your bait is essential to attract the fish you want.
You need to be clear about what specific fish you want to catch and what bait they find morish and irresistible.
Thirdly, you need to see you through the fish’s eyes and view of the world to maximise your chances.
Are you clear on all these things?
5 tips for successful fishing
- Define your target audience very precisely
- Create a persona – an imaginary character which brings your target audience to life so that it is vivid in your own mind and helps people in your network to help you
- Choose specific key word phrases that best represent your target audience
- Write down your ideal role/project/contract
- Find out where your fish spend time e.g. on-line forums, LinkedIn and networking groups, conferences etc.
Want to get more comfortable marketing yourself?
Book your place on our Energise seminar “Why me? What value do you bring?”
6-8pm Tuesday 15 June 2021 on Zoom.
Early bird ticket sales end on Monday 31 May 2021. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/marketing-seminar-why-me-what-value-do-you-bring-tickets-154062857153