Anne came across Energise in a guest blog I wrote for the advertising industry.
Our ‘Liberate Your Talent’ line and blog topics hit a nerve with her and the topics covered really resonated with how she was feeling, namely “yes I need to change careers but what can I do?”, “How can I best use my skills in a new area?” and “How do I overcome the fears I feel?”
Anne was a self employed market research consultant and prior to that, a beauty therapist, both careers she fell into.
I helped Anne to increase her self awareness including what her values are, what she wanted/needed from her work, what her skills were and how and where they could be used. We explored, tested, conversed and challenged different career ideas.
I helped Anne to see that she had successfully reinvented her career before, something she had not recognised herself. This was a shift and from this point, she made the decision to ”feel the fear and do it anyway” and to take the view, ‘what’s the worst that can happen?’ – simply that, she might have to rethink. She realised that achieving such a change would create a huge sense of achievement and used this as a motivator to keep going.
After researching the options. Anne chose to be one of only two people in the UK licensed to teach a routine of face muscle exercises which give a lift and tone to the face and neck, naturally, without invasive surgery or injections of various substances.
This approach completely fits with her philosophy and values, builds on her original career as a beauty therapist, and she is relishing the prospect of getting her new business off the ground. Her market research skills are coming in useful to gain insights about her potential customers too!
“Rachel has a wealth of experience and expertise and is very generous in passing this on. The depth of information available to anyone is testament to this. Her style is open, focused, challenging and encouraging. She understands career change and is expert at helping you think through the ups and downs.”
Anne Crotty