Do you get stuck in wall-to-wall meetings with no time to do the work in between? Many employees are working flat out with scarcely time to catch their breath. Full on! Sound familiar? Working at such a pace gives you little time to think clearly or even straight, which can lead to poor prioritisation and focusing on the urgent rather than the important things that would really make the difference.
Over time, this can create a vicious circle. You get more and more tired and stressed and less productive, creative and resourceful. Ouch! Falling asleep on the sofa at an early hour clutching a glass of something can be the only thing you have the energy for.
Here are some tips to try out:
Tip 1: Read this bulletin on overwhelm
Tip 2: Get up from your desk and look back at your empty chair. Imagine you are in the chair. What advice would you give yourself?
Tip 3: Block out time in your diary away from your work station for thinking, planning and reflecting and coming up with ideas to improve productivity, fulfilment, reduce stress and improve productivity
Tip 4: Learn to coach yourself. E.g. ask yourself “What is causing the stress?” “What can I influence?” “What actions can I take and when will I take them?”