It is vital in uncertain times to have career ‘insurance’ – a plan ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ for your career.
Do you?
Not having an insurance policy for your career is like driving a car in winter with only one headlight, a 10 year old map, a nearly empty tank of petrol with no spare petrol can in the boot and with one wing mirror hanging off.
You wouldn’t, would you?
Why then, do most people do the equivalent with their career?
You only have to look at what has happened during the coronavirus period to see the danger of how fast a sector can change.
So – what’s your career plan ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’?
Reasons for neglecting this vital area include:
· Fear: Of feeling regret and disappointment
· Time poor: Let other’s needs take precedence
· Overwhelm: Don’t know where to start
· Empty toolbox: Don’t have the tools and frameworks
· Short termism: Focus on the here and now
· Life stage: Feel no point with other life priorities
· Habit: Fell into a career and leave it to chance
· Resigned: Don’t feel deserve anything better/different
· Unaware: Never done any personal development
· Blinkered: In the dark about the fast changing world of work
Do you relate to any of these? What additional factors would you add?
Inspiring quote
“The best way to create the future is to invent it.” Alan Kay.
Self-reflective question:
What 1 action can I take straight away that would most help my future career security & prospects?”
7 tips for your career reassurance
1. Support: enlist an experienced career coach
2. Headspace: book a career retreat/away day
3. Think: replace mindless time frittering e.g. FaceBook
4. Focus: write your ideal role/career description & plan ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’
5. Habit: make ‘dead’ time fruitful e.g. a commute to create options
6. Prioritise: ring fence a monthly time slot & budget
7. Informed: look inwards (self-awareness) & outwards (trends)
What tips would you add?
Get in touch https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/portfolio/connect/