This is a 2-part blog by Peter Wilford. This is Part 2.
Read Part 1. https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/how-to-improve-your-self-esteem-in-2021-12-powerful-tips-part-1-of-2/
TIP 5.
Do the right thing.
When you do what you “deep down” believe is the right thing to do, then you will start to raise and strengthen your level of self-esteem.
It might just be a small thing like getting up from the sofa and going to the gym. It could also be to become more understanding instead of judgmental in a situation. It might also be to stop feeling sorry for yourself and focus on the opportunities and be appreciative for what you actually have in life. Take some time to think about what the “right thing” is for you.
TIP 6.
Replace the perfectionism.
Few thought habits can be so destructive in our daily life as “perfectionism”.
It can paralyse you from taking action because you become so afraid of not living up to some required standard. As a result you procrastinate and you do not get the results you want. This will invariably make your self-esteem fall.
TIP 7.
Handle mistakes and failures in a more positive way.
If you go outside your comfort zone, and if you try to accomplish something that is truly meaningful then you may often stumble and fall along the way.
That is OK and quite normal. It is just what people who did something that truly mattered have done throughout all the ages. Even if we don’t always hear about it as much as we hear about their successes.
TIP 8.
Be kinder to other people.
When you show kindness to others you start to treat and think of yourself in a kinder way as well. And the way you treat other people is how they will tend to treat you in the long term.
Start to focus on being kind more often in your daily life.
TIP 9.
Try something new.
When you try something new, when you challenge yourself either in a small or large way and go outside your comfort zone, then your opinion of yourself will start to go up.
You may not have done something you planned to do in a spectacular or significant way, but you at least tried instead of sitting on your hands and doing nothing. That is something to start to appreciate about yourself and you will find that it can help you come alive as you get out of a rut.
Go outside your comfort zone regularly. Don’t expect anything quickly, just tell yourself that you will try something out for the first time.
TIP 10.
Stop falling into the comparison trap.
When you compare your life, yourself and what you have in relation to other people’s lives and what they have, then you are on the way to having a destructive habit on your hands.
Because you can never win.
There is always someone who has more or is better than you at something in the world. There are always people ahead of you.
So replace that habit with something better.
TIP 11.
Spend more time with supportive people (and less time with destructive people).
Even if you focus on being kinder towards other people (and yourself) and on replacing a ‘perfectionism’ habit, it will be hard to keep your self-esteem level up if the most important influences in your life drag it down on a daily or weekly basis.
So make changes where you can. Choose to spend less time with people who are nervous perfectionists, unkind or unsupportive of your dreams or goals. And spend more time with positive, uplifting people who have more human and kinder standards and ways of thinking about things.
TIP 12.
Remember the reasons you have behind raising your self-esteem levels.
What is a simple way in which you can stay consistent when you are doing something or working towards a goal? As mentioned above stop and reflect so that you can remember the most important reasons why you are doing it.
Remind yourself of these reasons regularly and this will help you stay motivated to work on your self-esteem and to make it an essential priority every day. Doing this simple thing and keeping these powerful reasons in mind has done wonders for some of our clients. I hope it can do the same for you.
If you would like more information on this, please contact us: https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/contact-us/