There are 3 key stages to launching your own successful portfolio career:
Stage 1: Re-evaluating your career
Stage 2: Marketing your portfolio career
Stage 3: Managing your portfolio career
Stage 1: Re-evaluating your career
Deep self-reflection is common and very useful, if not essential, before starting your portfolio career, in order to ensure efficiency, maximum success, minimum stress, and a bespoke work-life blend to fit you exactly.
Many life and work events create a career or life crossroads – a catalyst for a need to re-evaluate and a desire to make a positive change. These include; not achieving a promotion or pay rise, having a baby, divorce, returning to work after having children, a stress tipping point, moving locations/countries for a partner’s job, redundancy or a bereavement.
Stage 2: Marketing your portfolio career
Research by Executive Appointments shows that the most important elements for success are networking and self-marketing. Yet in their study, 32% of professionals worry about finding suitable roles and 21% worry about the constant need to network.
We help many of our clients to market themselves. Women naturally feel uncomfortable marketing themselves, which is partly why a low proportion of women achieve senior positions or enjoy the same rewards as their male peers, with the result that many women opt out and choose self-employment.
We help our clients to find self-marketing strategies that work and are time and cost-efficient. We have run many events and written articles in this area and, as seasoned networkers, we can support you in many ways.
Stage 3: Managing your portfolio career
Multiple work strands means more things to juggle, so it is essential to be organised and have good systems and processes in order to be efficient and look professional.
We have perfected our own self-management over the last 20 years so can share shortcuts and tips to help, including time-saving technology, templates and tools, and using a virtual PA.
Energise approach
We support our clients with all three key stages to help them to create, market and manage their portfolio career.
Benefits of our approach and experience
There are many benefits for you from working with Energise:
· our personal experience of having and evolving a portfolio career over 20 years, including freelance, interim contracts and retainer work;
· up-to-date knowledge of work trends, what skills are in demand and what qualities and competencies employers are looking for;
· a deep understanding of in-demand skills and competencies and where and how these are transferable and useful;
· extensive high-quality networks to introduce you to useful people to help you find out about options and understand what’s involved;
· extensive experience of helping professionals and executives to market themselves, overcome blocks and use social media expediently;
· the Energise team members’ experience of successfully evolving their own career directions and evolving their own portfolio careers over time.

A portfolio career enables you to liberate more of your talents.
Many people when working in one job feel frustrated that not more of their skills, knowledge were being utilized. This is why we love the image of a butterfly and use this image on our Inspiring Portfolio Careers web site.

Get in touch to arrange your free 20 minute consultation: https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/contact-us/