This is part 2 of a 2 part guest blog for Energise – The Talent Liberation Company.
Lorna Turner biog
I have over 20 years’ experience in business development, initially in the private sector, before moving on more recently to working primarily with social enterprises and ethical businesses. I am a co-owner of two businesses; The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and Court House Care Services (Devon) Ltd. The Fruit Tree for Business is a partnership with Debbie Stewart. We provide business advice, training and consultancy services. We have both set up and run various businesses in the past 15 years. This hands-on real experience is of tremendous value to our clients. We offer one to one business advice sessions, a range of training courses including some of the more complex topics of legal structures and governance for social enterprises and co-operatives, as well as the introductory guide to starting a business and consultancy services such as developing business plans for community buildings, options, appraisals and associated funding applications. My other business is a Residential Care Home. I am a co-director of Court House Care Services (Devon) Ltd with my partner, Marcus Lyward. His background is in the Care Sector and along with my business skills, plus a great manager and some fabulous staff, we have a growing social business. Consequently, I now have in depth knowledge of the Care sector and am learning more every day.
Read part 1 of Lorna Turner’s guest blog about her portfolio career:
- https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/lorna-turners-guest-blog-about-her-portfolio-career-creating-your-future-part-1/
- What’s the current shape of your portfolio career?
Fast forward 20 years, and I have two businesses; I own a residential care home supporting the elderly with dementia with my partner who has a background of 30+ years in the care sector and I run a business advice and consultancy company for the not-for-profit sector – The Fruit Tree for Business. My time is split across the two and they complement each other well. I have a specialist knowledge within the care world which is a market that is growing and one where the social enterprises and voluntary sector are being encouraged to develop innovative community-led models of care.
What do you love about your portfolio career?
I feel very fortunate to love what
I do. Discovering the world of social enterprise, social businesses and
co-operatives was a light bulb moment and it still gives me enormous
satisfaction. They offer alternative business models which in my view are a
vital part of a local and global economy and part of building a sustainable and
better future for all.
has coaching helped you?
Through my journey, there have been times where coaching has been vital. It’s been my critical friend, my ally and my sounding board. Rachel is truly gifted in her field. I think coaching is both art and science of which she has an abundant understanding of both.
5 tips for people considering a portfolio career
1 Understand your strengths and weaknesses (what can you offer that’s unique) and identify areas of interest
2 Research those areas of interest and assess whether they are right for you as part of your career or whether they need to stay as interests and hobbies
3 Be clear about your financial position – and have a plan to develop your portfolio career without stressing the finances e.g. what could you do part-time, evenings or weekends?
4 Have or build confidence to talk to others, network, use social media in your career options
5 Write down your plan and be accountable to someone who can give impartial advice (most family and friends tend to be naturally positive). In my experience, the process of writing helps the brain assess our thoughts and ideas. Don’t worry, plans can always develop over time – they aren’t set in stone.
If you are interested in setting up a social enterprise but not sure where to start, contact lorna@the-fruit-tree.co.uk
Interested in a portfolio career for yourself? Download your copy of our free report Discover Portfolio Careers:
- https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/who-has-portfolio-careers/
- View Lorna Turner’s LinkedIn profile:
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lornaturner/
View the Fruit Tree web site:
Current Heritage Lottery Funded community project in Newton Abbot:
View The Court House Care web site:
Twitter: @Courthousecare