Most women dislike ‘blowing their own trumpet’ (marketing themselves)
This is normal.
How you feel is typical for women.
BUT #balanceforbetter, the theme of 2019 International Women’s month, will not happen until women feel more comfortable and competent ‘blowing their own trumpet’.
Many women simply don’t ask for what they really want.
Why is ‘blowing your own trumpet’ important?
This subject is really really important because:
•Women live longer on average than men
•Lifespans are increasing so the issue is becoming more significant
•Many women take time off the career ladder, magnifying the effect
•Women naturally worry and focus on others at the expense of themselves
Women stop their own success by NOT ‘blowing their own trumpet’.

What crafty ways do you use to AVOID ‘blowing your own trumpet’?!
Common methods women use to avoid ‘blowing their own trumpet’
•‘Oh it was nothing really’
•‘Just part of the job’
•‘You’ not ‘me’
•‘We’ not ‘I’
•‘Anyone would have done the same’
•Bad hair day
•Focusing on others
•Assuming their hard work will be noticed
•Working harder
•Keeping busy
•Displacement/distraction techniques

Insights about women
I have done many events on this topic – these are observations having heard women talk about this subject.
•Women generally worry and are anxious, lacking in confidence
•Women fear rejection
•Women lawyers worry even more than an average woman, because their job is to spot risks!
•Women alleviate worry by focusing on others
•Women do a higher than average proportion of household management and childcare/caring responsibilities, so they have less time to market themselves, especially if they work part time
•Women focus on doing the work and doing it we
•Women find marketing themselves uncomfortable, so avoid it
•Women are still in the minority of senior decision making positions
•Women lack sponsors
•Women are not men. They think differently. Yet differences between men and women are not acknowledged to avoid stereotypes.
4 useful practical tips to make blowing your own trumpet more comfortable
•Tip 1) Give an example i.e. evidence to back it up e.g. I am really good at x because the client said y
•Tip 2) ‘Blow your own trumpet’ indirectly – it feels more comfortable for women e.g. write an article
•Tip 3) Think of the benefits of ‘blowing your own trumpet’ to others e.g. being a good role model for your daughter or niece
•Tip 4) Find 1 way that does feel comfortable and do it more e.g. if you like networking, do more of it
We’ll be exploring these 4 tips in more depth in future blogs.
You CAN become more comfortable ‘blowing your own trumpet’, I promise.
How can we help you ‘Blow your own trumpet’ to achieve a career breakthrough?
Get in touch for a free 20 minute telephone consultation: https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/portfolio/connect/