Jon was a successful leader for young people, but lack of organisation was stopping him from having time for creativity and his growing family. Here’s how we helped him.
Jon was a busy church pastor who had a passion for music and writing as well as shaping an innovative congregation for young adults. He was already doing a lot of good but there was a real sense that he wasn’t being as effective as he could be.
Jon often found it difficult to get around to the truly important things, instead, he was frequently ambushed by the urgent things. The tyranny of the urgent led to frustration and many of the things that he wanted to achieve kept evading him – especially finding the time to develop his other passions of songwriting and writing.
I helped Jon to understand his deeper values and sharpen his focus, helping him to consolidate projects, clear mental space, clarify next actions and develop a strategy to manage key relationships as well as more effectively delegate and share work. Jon was also able to negotiate an extra day off to focus on writing and recording his songs.
Jon now writes and releases songs on a regular basis, and his work life balance is much better than it was.
“Rachel helped me over the course of 18 months to be able to understand what I was really about and to align my energy and effort to make many of those longings a reality in my life. The insights I gained during that time of coaching continue to impact my life today. Decisions like wanting to work from home to make more time for my young family flow from many of the insights gained from coaching. I do feel like more of the important stuff within me has been liberated, hopefully for the good of others and I also feel a deep sense of peace and contentment too.”
Jon Green.