Different people find inspiration in different places.
Some people love videos, some podcasts, others cartoons and other people articles and blogs. Sometimes one picture is worth a thousand words…..
This page is for sharing useful resources to help you find inspiration and to future-proof your career.
Article: ‘Midlife reinvention – turning crisis into opportunity.’ British Psychological Society (BPS). 18 March 2025. https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologist/midlife-reinvention-turning-crisis-opportunity
Article: ‘Portfolio careers and how you can have one.’ Open University. 21 February 2025. https://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/careers/?p=7821
Article | Video: ‘Portfolio careers – the new normal?’ BBC. Different experts share their views. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zktbn9q
Article: ‘The rise and rise of the portfolio career.’ Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). 18 February 2025. https://www.icaew.com/insights/viewpoints-on-the-news/2025/feb-2025/the-rise-and-rise-of-the-portfolio-career
Report: ‘Future of jobs report’ World Economic Forum. 8 January 2025. https://www.weforum.org/stories/2025/01/future-of-jobs-report-2025-whats-shaping-the-future-of-the-global-workforce/
Article: ‘Top tips in changing career direction’ 19 December 2024. Author – me. City Matters. https://www.citymatters.london/woman-in-leadership-top-tips-in-changing-career-direction/
Article: ‘Why changing your career plan could be the best decision you ever make.’ 18 December 2024. ITN business. https://business.itn.co.uk/why-changing-your-career-plan-could-be-the-best-decision-you-ever-make/
Article: ‘The great detachment – why employees feel stuck.’ 3 December 2024. Gallup. https://www.gallup.com/workplace/653711/great-detachment-why-employees-feel-stuck.aspx
Podcast: ‘How to leap mid-career from one industry to another; Harvard Business Review 2 December 2024. https://hbr.org/podcast/2024/12/how-to-leap-mid-career-from-one-industry-to-another
Article: ‘Face facts: Fragility exists even in your workplace.’ 2 December 2024. Fast Company. https://www.fastcompany.com/91237044/face-facts-fragility-existseven-in-your-workplace
Article: ‘Polyworking – a modern work model that promotes multifaceted careers.’ 30 November 2024. Economic Times India. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/mid-career/polyworking-a-modern-work-model-that-promotes-multifaceted-careers/articleshow/115837101.cms?from=mdr
Article: ’17 key strategies for building a strong personal online brand’. Fast Company. 6 November 2024. https://www.fastcompany.com/91219808/17-key-strategies-for-building-a-strong-personal-online-brand
Article: ‘Are you a polyworker? Why polyworking is the future of work and how to become one.’ William Arruda for Forbes 5 November 2024. https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamarruda/2024/11/05/why-polyworking-is-the-future-of-work-and-how-to-become-a-polyworker/
Podcast: ProGRESS by Sandra Kessle – interviews with guests in a green career. https://shows.acast.com/progress-pro-green-ethical-sustainable-socially-responsible-careers-inspo
Article: The best personal brands aren’t overly curated. Six dos and don’ts for the jobs market.’ by Rhymer Rigby for the Guardian. 1 November 2024.
Podcast: ‘Thinking allowed’, Radio 4 6.05-6.30am Sunday 27 October 2024 about meaning at work. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00244rv
Laurie Taylor talks to Jana Costas, Chair of People, Work & Management at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany about the unseen cleaners beyond the shiny surface of Potsdamer Platz, a designer micro-city within Berlin’s city centre. Behind the scenes they pick up cigarette butts from pavements, scrape chewing gum from marble floors and scrub public toilets, long before white-collar workers, consumers and tourists enter the complex. How do they feel about work which some would stigmatise as degrading? How do they salvage a sense of personal dignity? Also, Katie Bailey, Professor of Work and Employment at Kings College, London unpacks her analysis of accounts related by nurses, creative artists and lawyers as to why they find their work meaningful.
Article: ‘How portfolio careers are redefining executive success’ Forbes 24 October 2024. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sanjaysrivastava/2024/10/24/how-portfolio-careers-are-redefining-executive-success/
Article: ‘New horizons at 60: It’s never too late to change career.’ Irish Examiner’ 6 October 2024. https://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/people/arid-41488109.html
Article: ‘When one job is not enough. The pathway to multiple careers.’ Economic Times India. 3 October 2024. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/mid-career/when-one-job-is-not-enough-the-pathway-to-multiple-careers/articleshow/113893854.cms?from=mdr
Article: ‘The 5 biggest trends for 2025 everyone must get ready for now.’ Forbes. 30 September 2024. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2024/09/30/the-5-biggest-business-trends-for-2025-everyone-must-be-ready-for-now/
Article: ‘A new way to work?’ about portfolio careers and by Bradley Schurman, 22 August 2024. https://newrulesmedia.substack.com/p/a-new-way-to-work?r=35lh92
Article: Forbes 20 July 2024. ‘5 ways to incorporate social media into your job search.’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewfennell/2024/07/20/5-ways-to-incorporate-social-media-into-your-job-search/
Report: Global workforce hope and fears 2024. PwC. June 2024. https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/issues/workforce/hopes-and-fears.html
Article: Forbes 28 May 2024. ‘Embrace non-linear careers to redefine success in a dynamic world.’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2024/05/28/embrace-nonlinear-careers-to-redefine-success-in-a-dynamic-world/?sh=31506e73fdcd
Report: World Economic Forum ‘The Future of Jobs Report 2023. 5 trends to watch including the rise of the portfolio career. https://www.weforum.org/publications/the-future-of-jobs-report-202
Article: ‘How to leverage your portfolio career for success’. Forbes 22 June 2023. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2023/06/22/how-to-leverage-your-portfolio-career-for-success/?sh=42d51f2c6514
Video: ‘To reinvent your career, start by imagining a new you’. Harvard Business Review (34 minutes) London Business School professor Herminia Ibarra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyQZgCZJo1Q
Report: Future of Work Hub Report ‘The future of work in 2050. Too few jobs or too few workers?’ James Davies. https://sites-lewissilkin.vuturevx.com/92/1973/uploads/the-future-of-work-in-2050-report.pdf
Article: World Economic Forum, 19 September 2023 ’12 experts explain why good job creation is needed and what leaders can do about it.’ https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/09/12-experts-explain-world-needs-more-good-jobs-leaders/#1eb6485e-3b61-4f48-81f8-018170632c72
Article: Time magazine, 16 August 2022. ‘Why the career of the future needs a portfolio career.’ https://time.com/charter/6206500/portfolio-career/
Article: ‘7 reasons you should consider a career change at 50’. Money Talks News. 1 April 2020. https://www.moneytalksnews.com/reasons-you-should-change-careers-after-age-50/
Article: Harvard Business Review – ‘Stop offering Career Ladders, Start Offering Career Portfolios’ by April Rinn. 10 August 2022.
Summary of article.
Employees today are fed up. People are antsy for something better (and sometimes, simply new). They want to be seen, valued, and listened to. They want equity, dignity, security, balance, flexibility, and autonomy. They expect opportunities for growth, learning, meaningful contribution, and fulfillment. This may sound like a lot, but if we’re striving to help them reach their full potential and leave the world a better place, it’s actually pretty modest. For organizations and HR, however, navigating this landscape is fraught. Companies seek to win the “war for talent,” yet almost every aspect of the battlefield has changed. Many people are no longer interested in or inspired by climbing a career ladder that someone else built. Against this backdrop, there is one solution that aligns individual and organizational priorities, strategic objectives and self-actualization goals, and an uncertain present with an even more uncertain future. It’s time to shift how we think about the shape of a career — no longer a ladder, but a portfolio to curate. Here’s how to get started enabling and encouraging career portfolios within your organization
Article: HBR ‘4 steps to making a successful career change.’ 16 June 2022.
Article and Ted talk video: about getting a new role by talking to the people you already know. https://ideas.ted.com/how-to-find-your-next-job-talk-to-the-people-you-already-know/
Article: Forbes “3 ways to future-proof your career. ” 15.9.21
Article: Forbes – “How a Flex mindset helps you thrive through constant change.” 24 August 2021. Worth reading – useful and original tips. Written by Cathy Caprino. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kathycaprino/2021/08/24/how-a-flux-mindset-helps-you-thrive-through-constant-change/?sh=aaaaa133466c
Report by the Institute of Employment Studies (IES): Labour market statistics August 2021.
Report. Recruitment market overview Q3 2021. Allen + Associates. This is Oxfordshire specific but the insights apply to the UK generally.https://www.allen-associates.co.uk/blog/july-2021/oxfordshire-recruitment-market-overview-for-q3-of
Article. “Defining the skills citizens will need in the future world of Work.” McKinsey article. 25 June 2021.
Their skills segmentation is:
- Cognitive
- Interpersonal
- Self-leadership
- Digital
How would you score yourself?
White paper. Energise white paper ‘The New Polymaths’, published 1 June 2021 focuses on the topic of career agility and follows desk research and individual interviews with a sample of 30. To receive your free copy, please e mail us: https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/contact-us/
Report: OECD. An assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on job and skills demand using online job vacancy data 9 April 2021. https://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/policy-responses/an-assessment-of-the-impact-of-covid-19-on-job-and-skills-demand-using-online-job-vacancy-data-20fff09e/
Article. The 3 skill sets for the workers of 2030. Source = World Economic Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/06/the-3-skill-sets-workers-need-to-develop-between-now-and-2030/
Interactive web page. Discover the skills you’ll need in 2030 to succeed in your current job and compare these to others. Source Pearson. https://futureskills.pearson.com/explore
Video. The future of skills. Jobs in 2030. Source = Pearson. https://futureskills.pearson.com/research/#/welcome-video
Article. What office life might look like in the year 2030. Source: The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-office-life-might-look-like-in-the-year-2030-11583362501?shareToken=st8ab6e3295d4843ebab973981e0c05693
Data: Social media demographics to inform your brand’s strategy in 2021. Source = Sproutsocial 9 March 2021. https://sproutsocial.com/insights/new-social-media-demographics/
White paper. “21 jobs of the future – a guide to getting and staying employed over the next 10 years. Cognizant. ” https://www.cognizant.com/whitepapers/21-jobs-of-the-future-a-guide-to-getting-and-staying-employed-over-the-next-10-years-codex3049.pdf
Book: “Make your own map: Career success strategy for women” by Kathryn Bishop. Published February 2021. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Make-Your-Own-Map-Strategy/dp/1789668360
Based on material from the popular Women Transforming Leadership course from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Make Your Own Map will help you develop a resilient and aspirational strategy for your career – whatever your starting point. Effective methods of strategic planning have been tried and tested in the corporate business world, and this book shows you how to repurpose those methods for yourself, even if you’re not in the corporate world. Packed with strategic tools and practical exercises, this book will help you:
-Assess and define your career goals
-Make a plan
-Implement your plan to find the work that fits your needs, your skills, and your direction.
Report: Institute of Employment Studies (IES). ‘Shut out. How employers and recruiters are overlooking the talents of the over 50 workers.” January 2021. Centre for better aging. https://www.employment-studies.co.uk/resource/shut-out?utm_source=IES+emailing+list&utm_campaign=2b4e9e35ad-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_05_10_10_39_COPY_08&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f11585705b-2b4e9e35ad-364290580
Podcasts: Future of work Hub podcasts https://www.futureofworkhub.info/podcasts
Feb 2021: Peter Cheese, Chief Executive of CIPD
Jan 2021: Ian Goldin, Professor of Globalisation and Development at Oxford University and Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change.
Article: ‘The open talent economy’ Source = Deloitte https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/HumanCapital/dttl-humancapital-trends6-open-talent-next-no-exp.pdf
Article: ‘Digital workplace trends you cannot ignore’. Source = Gartner. https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/digital-workplace-trends-you-cant-ignore/
Report: World Economic Forum ‘Jobs of tomorrow’ report. Jan 2020 http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Jobs_of_Tomorrow_2020.pdf
Article: ‘The most in-demand ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills of 2020′. Source = LinkedIn. https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/blog/trends-and-research/2020/most-in-demand-hard-and-soft-skills
Article: ‘5 ways to pivot your career in 2021.’ Source = Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2021/01/19/five-ways-to-pivot-your-career-in-2021/?sh=53960f8e3c11
Article: ‘How to make more money from your side hustle.’ 21 January 2021 https://madamenoire.com/1211087/side-hustle-jobs/
This article includes these topics:
- Build your portfolio or social media brand
- Get certified
- Work on your professional image
- Network
- Try out multiple on-line platforms or in-person events
- Know your worth
- Don’t give up
Article: ‘2021 career predictions and new trends’ Forbes article 8 December 2020. https://www.forbes.com/sites/robinryan/2020/12/08/2021-career-predictions-and-new-trends/?sh=73134fde6180
Article: ‘5 tips to land a new job in 2021’ Forbes article 14 December 2020. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ashleystahl/2020/12/14/5-tips-to-find-and-land-a-new-job-in-2021/?sh=4360ee95d661
Report: World Economic Forum – Future of Jobs Report 2020, published 20 October 2020. https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-future-of-jobs-report-2020
Article: Fast Company. How to Future-Proof your career path in 2020 and beyond 1.3.20 https://www.fastcompany.com/90445947/how-to-future-proof-your-career-path-in-2020-and-beyond
Article: “Automation and the future of jobs – Optimism or pessimism ahead?” 19 November 2020, James Davies, Lewis Silkin, The Future of Work Hub. https://www.futureofworkhub.info/comment/2020/11/19/automation-and-the-future-of-jobs-optimism-or-pessimism-ahead
Network: “The Do Lectures” – The Encouragement network. https://thedolectures.com/
Article: Source = CEO Magazine 20 October 2020.
“Don’t just survive, but thrive: The best lessons from 2020.
The year 2020 will long be synonymous with the ‘pivot’ and the lessons learned will help you thrive in 2021”.
Including 5 low risk ways to launch a portfolio career.
- Moonlighting: stay in your full-time role but work at night and on weekends.
- Rejigging: working flexible hours in a few different roles.
- Part-timing: reduce the hours you work in your current full-time role (for example, four days a week) and create some time for your other career.
- Seasonal: if your industry has peaks and troughs (for example, teachers, hospitality, tourism) consider taking on other jobs in the off-season.
- Freelancing: continue doing what you do in your day job and take on one-off projects or smaller engagements through gig platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.
Article – Forbes 16.12.20: “The new career cycle is here and it looks vastly different.”https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawngraham/2020/12/16/the-new-career-cycle-is-hereand-it-looks-vastly-different-ready/?sh=698dc76c43ae
Sources of personal development from LifeHack – “22 killer personal development resources”: https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/22-killer-personal-development-resources.html
Article 1 of 4. Why self-promotion is an absolute necessity for every professional part 1. Advancing on the job series. https://www.ivyexec.com/career-advice/2018/why-self-promotion-absolute-necessity-every-professional/
Article 2 of 4. How to overcome the fear of self-promotion part 2. Advancing on the job series.
Article 3 of 4. How to overcome the fear of self-promotion part 3. Advancing on the job series. https://www.ivyexec.com/career-advice/2018/self-promotion-strategies-career-advancement/
Article 4 of 4. How to overcome the fear of self-promotion part 4. Advancing on the job series. https://www.ivyexec.com/career-advice/2018/self-promotion-job-search/
Article and free download from Dragons Den Entrepreneur James Caan: ‘Get the job you really want’: https://www.business-live.co.uk/enterprise/james-caan-dragons-den-star-19305266
Article (August 2020): Portfolio career. Definition, pros and cons and getting started. https://www.flexjobs.com/blog/post/how-to-have-a-portfolio-career/
The 24 best career change books to read in 2020. https://bookauthority.org/books/new-career-change-books
Top 20 career podcasts 2020. https://blog.feedspot.com/career_podcasts/
25 career YouTube channels to follow in 2020. https://blog.feedspot.com/career_youtube_channels/
45 pieces of career advice that will get you to the top. https://www.themuse.com/advice/45-pieces-of-career-advice-that-will-get-you-to-the-top
500 career advice ideas. https://www.pinterest.co.uk/createcultivate/career-advice/
Article – over 50’s want to change career – but need support to make the switch:
Harvard Business Review article: Reinventing your career in the time of the Coronavirus:
10 podcasts that will benefit your career – Monster
NEW Energise podcast
Listen to our podcast ‘Future proof your career’: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dhzkknh6vjepf2i/AADDpuP-9P8GWwF75s0MxXeHa?dl=0
We are creating another podcast soon featuring a couple of our clients, Jayne and Ruth. Their stories are inspiring with tips to help you.
What skills, qualities and attitudes are needed in the future?
Article by Rachel Brushfield for the award winning Future of Work Hub:
Video – 5 tips for switching career path
ICAEW article about portfolio careers
Energise articles
During Lockdown 1 March to June 2020, I (Rachel Brushfield) wrote an article every day to help my client network. Lots of useful tips located here on various career, marketing yourself, networking and self-management topics: https://www.linkedin.com/in/energiseliberateyourtalent/detail/recent-activity/posts/
Various articles about portfolio careers
Our blog contains lots of different examples of how people have found inspiration and then created and honed their portfolio careers