Research shows that between 30 and 45% of people want to change job. That is a hell of a lot of people not enjoying their work and feeling unfulfilled. Many of us fell into it by chance. Did you?
I have people contacting me who have been working for 7-10 years who have never found their work fulfilling. That is a lot of hours clocked up of misery. Often in that time they have cheered themselves up by shopping, taking weekend breaks and holidays as well as the cheaper frequent comforters of food, alcoholic and drugs.
In the time and for the money they have spent soothing themselves, they could have retrained and changed their career. Blocks to action can be confidence, circumstances e.g. needing flexibility with a young child or knowing they won’t get as a good a package elsewhere. With retirement getting later and later as we will be living longer, isn’t now the time to start the ball rolling? Otherwise the ball and chain remains – a heavy weight.
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