August is a funny old month isn’t it? Not funny ha ha, funny peculiar, but a nice kind of peculiar. Commuting is a sprint instead of a marathon, and it’s a great opportunity instead of playing telephone tennis, to have a proper rally and meet up with people. Then just when you have had a minuscule chance to catch your breath, bingo there’s September, a rush hour in my year as people are ready to change career having reflected during their holidays.
I love August because it feels like a creative month, and I love creating things, but there’s always those things lurking at the bottom of the ‘to do’ list. And as someone who helps people to tackle such things as part of being a coach, that’s quite an admission! Don’t tell anyone!
The “clear out the files on my computer” task has been languishing at the bottom of my ‘to do list’ for quite a while now, sunbathing in a sprinkling of new file rays. I am pretty focused, but I let myself off the hook – “that’s a task for dark winter days while recovering from legionnaire’s disease,” I justify to myself. Trouble is I have a vivid and visual imagination, and I picture my computer getting so full, it explodes very messily, bytes and megabytes like rain dust, contributing to global warming. As for the Internet reaching capacity, well I think I’ll keep a lid on that thought for now.
If you have some time to think and reflect this August, you might fancy a personal springclean, in which case click on the link below for some free tips.