Do you indulge in wishful thinking? Do you stick your head in the sand and pretend that everything is going to magically get better? Whether it’s a dead end job, blocked progression at work, feeling stuck in a career you hate with financial responsibilities like a millstone around your neck or a relationship on the road to hell rather than heaven, it’s easy to pretend and avoid confronting it.
The trouble is that wishful thinking is just that – la la land or some might say delusional! Luckily humans have fantastically imaginative minds and convince ourselves of all sorts of things which aren’t true. It’s easier to stay where we are and pretend, because people are creatures of habit, and then we don’t have to face up to the prospect of change and upheaval and we can stay where we are, in our cosy if boring padded cell comfort zones.
But hang on a minute, if our imaginations are so effective convincing ourselves that everything’s just fine, just think what we could create that’s better if we were to focus on what we want and take action? I had one coaching client who was going to resign she was so fed up, and the next time we met, she had negotiated flexi time working with her boss and was beaming like a Cheshire cat. Good change can happen fast if you set your mind to it.
Some of my clients have been stuck for over ten years before they get in touch. That’s a long time to feel fed up and put your fulfilment on hold, isn’t it? One of my favourite exercises is getting clients to imagine going to the end of their lives and look back. Try it – what would you like to have achieved and what would you like people to be saying about you?
For some thoughts on career change, click on this link: