This is a three-part guest blog by Stephen Poole for Energise, The Talent Liberation Company. This is part 3
Read part 1: https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/stephen-pooles-guest-blog-part-1-of-3-about-his-portfolio-career/
Read part 2: https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/stephen-pooles-guest-blog-part-2-of-3-about-his-portfolio-career/
Stephen Poole is a self-employed, award-winning values driven Project Management and Learning & Development professional delivering solutions with passion, drive and with a talent for bringing people together to build relationships. He uses a blend of empathy, creativity and customer focus to deliver results. He possesses a substantial delivery track record in the international trade and development, UK logistics, not for profit sectors and the UK Civil Service. He has delivered in complex, high profile and politically sensitive roles and programmes directly contributing to; London bidding for and winning the 2012 Olympics, the rebuilding of Wembley Stadium, Social Care Learning & Development operations and building capacity in Governments overseas. Engaging with ease and diplomacy with all stakeholders, the many roles undertaken have directly supported members of the public, Top Civil Servants, Cabinet Ministers, Senior Business representatives and Governments across the world. Committed to delivering sustainable outcomes, Stephen began building a portfolio career in the Summer of 2016.
Who or what helps you to manage your portfolio career?
Who? My supportive partner, who initially had concerns about the sudden loss of income certainty from a salary, but who has since seen me happier overall, whilst meeting my commitments.
What? For me, it is my values and the changes I have made to my own behaviour. Overcoming very entrenched fears around certainty, particularly financial, have been addressed by sufficiently planning ahead and trying to build reserves has enabled me not to get stressed, and to be proactive if I do become concerned. This has been a major influence in my ability to manage a portfolio of diverse activities. Today I could not imagine taking on a permanent role, it is just not who I am.
I do not take myself too seriously. I do not take the view that everything I do must be at a certain level or remuneration…. I am senior therefore everything I do should be senior (I used to hear that in the Civil Service..:‘Stephen it is not good value for money for you to be doing your own photocopying’. Note: when I left, we all did our own typing and photocopying!). At one point last year, I took part in a International Video Seminar working with a major international donor organisation and was leading a presentation and discussion on an aspect of UK Civil Service reform with a Government Minister and his team. Visible above my desk, shirt and tie. Unseen, under my desk, cycling shoes and shorts as I had to go straight out when the seminar was complete. Use all your talent I say!
How do you approach marketing your portfolio career?
I use LinkedIn and personal networking. A chance conversation can be a door opener, but they do need to know a bit about what you do now or have done – so powerful content can help keep that door open. I know that there is constantly room for improvement – this is my next target development area – changing my behaviour around this. Rachel also helps her clients to market themselves, so this is useful as part of what she gives as a coach.
What if any, is the personal brand used for your portfolio career?
Personal branding is an area I need to look into.
What advice would you give to someone considering a portfolio career?
If you feel something is wrong with your current career…it is. If you have an idea, or even better an opportunity waiting – go for it, but in a way that suits your circumstances and comfort zone. Don’t get me wrong, you will need to challenge your comfort zone, but not to the point where you set yourself up to fail.
The world of work is changing rapidly. Employers are thinking more creatively and using technology to resource their businesses… so opportunities are being created in place of more traditional employee or employer relationships, which are diminishing. For example, the food delivery business I work in manages the business operations, scheduling, communication and payroll through a telephone app.
Variety as they say is ‘the spice of life’!
What 5 tips can you share for people considering a portfolio career?
1 Gradual transition – do something in addition to your paid employment.
2 If you do it – love what you do, do what you love – it will show.
3 Plan for the unexpected – even projects with certainty can move.
4 Allocate time in your week to plan for 3 and look for opportunities at 2.
5 Be flexible and open to exploring your ideas.
View Stephen Poole’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stpoole/
Sign up for our newsletter: https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/when/
Contact Rachel Brushfield for a no-obligation chat about creating, marketing and managing your portfolio career: https://www.inspiringportfoliocareers.com/portfolio/connect/
Thanks alot to Stephen Poole for making the time to share his portfolio career.