Why choose us?
There are many career coaches, so why choose us?
When you choose Energise, you gain many benefits compared with other career coaches.
Did you know that coaching is an unregulated profession?
Anyone can set themselves up as a coach, with as a little as a weekend’s training course.
If you are going to invest in your own development, especially in uncertain times, it make sense to choose an experienced career coach with a proven track record over time of having created, marketed, managed and evolved their own future-proof portfolio career.
A coach who has run their own business successfully for many years, done contracts/interim work, freelance projects, and created and evolved their own portfolio career.
Why choose us?
- Experienced – established experienced career strategist/coach with a proven track record of client career transition success.
- Portfolio careers – Rachel Brushfield is career coach who has a portfolio career herself and has had for many years.
- Authentic – Rachel has done alot of personal and professional development herself over 30 years, giving lots of exercises and tools useful for you.
- Skill CV expertise – Rachel has 30 years’ experience designing skills format CVs with personal branding expertise crucial in the digital age.
- Unadvertised jobs market expert – Rachel is skilled in leveraging the unadvertised jobs market, and making LinkedIn work for you – with great results.
- Networks for you – Rachel has a large and high quality network which she has built up over many years.
- New ideas – Creativity and ‘thinking out of the box’ is a strong strength, very useful to help you develop opportunities in new areas, useful for coming up with new ideas/opportunities and different ways of using your skills, knowledge and experience. (Rachel is Myers Briggs ‘INTJ’, Belbin ‘Plant’ (creative/ideas), ‘Resource Investigator’ (insight and research) and ‘Shaper’ (facilitating your thinking).)
- Toolbox – extensive toolbox of resources – questionnaires, exercises, templates, checklists etc.
- Marketing strategies – expert strategic help marketing and branding yourself – strategies to help you access the unadvertised market, essential in uncertain times and competitive markets, and especially important if you are aged 50+.
- LinkedIn – help with how you can make social media, especially LinkedIn, work for you.
- Networking – extensive networking expertise – how to leverage and build your networks. Rachel was co-founder of and ran her own network PWHub for over 7 years.
- Insight – insights about what employers are looking for – skills, attitude etc. Talent management and insights having worked in HR about what employers are looking for.
- Appointment times that work for you – Rachel provides weekend coaching appointments and early-bird mid-week coaching appointments. Pre-booking essential.
- Thought leadership – Rachel is a published author in multiple topics; books, chapters, articles, content creation etc.
- Depth + breadth – cross sector expertise over 30 years.
- Gift vouchers – available to any amount. They make a thoughtful, original and practical gift.
Don’t take our word for it – use AI to check the facts on the above.
Rachel Brushfield biog
Rachel Brushfield, founder of Energise – The Talent Liberation Company, established 1997, is an experienced career strategist and coach. She was one of the first coaches in the market and has been doing career coaching for over 20 years, and is an experienced networker with over 30 years’ business experience.
Rachel’s career heritage is in marketing and brand strategy and communications, skills she now uses to help her clients achieve career success in increasingly competitive markets. Also known as ‘The Talent Liberator’, her personal brand, Rachel helps her clients create, market and manage future-proof careers and achieve an uplifting breakthrough at major career crossroads.
Rachel’s own portfolio career consists of career coaching, marketing mentoring, writing, talent management consultancy including employee research and employer branding, events for many membership organisations including the Law Society, CIPD, CIPR, ICAEW and many women’s networks, content creation and co-running her own network PWHub for senior employed women all sectors.
Energise was one of the first companies to be awarded a contract to support professionals and executives who had been made redundant after the credit crunch of 2007, helping hundreds of people to go on to gain exciting new roles following redundancy with the Energise ‘Steer your career’ workshop.
Rachel has been designing skills CVs for over 30 years to help her clients to successfully reposition themselves and change career direction. She keeps up to date with skill and job/career trends, and is a published author in career management, marketing yourself, professional development and future skills for a sustainable competitive advantage.
Rachel is a published author in career management, talent management, marketing yourself, work life balance, gender balance and future skills, and was shortlisted in the entrepreneur category of the We are the city ‘Rising star’ awards’ 2017.
Rachel is married, lives in rural Oxfordshire in the South Cotswolds, has a company cat and is a stepmother/grandmother (yikes!). In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, nurturing the allotment, writing poems and making handmade cards.
What next?
Do you want to gain the benefits detailed above?
Peace of mind in uncertain times is priceless.
Choosing the support of an experienced career coach who is motivated by their clients’ successes and fulfilment makes sense.
Read what our clients say about our career coaching, and get in touch for your free trial session:
Energise is The Talent Liberation Company. We help our clients to achieve their potential and create a portfolio career on their own terms.
If you want to know more about how we can help you, let’s speak – we offer a no-obligation meeting – contact us.
If you’d like to find out how we’ve helped other clients, have a look at our testimonials.