I have been creating some new ‘inspiring client examples’ this week, having had the time over the break to reflect on last year.
Changing your career can feel daunting and hearing about the successful transitions of other people can help make it feel possible.
One of my favourite inspiring quotes is by Alan Kay: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Career change in times of uncertainty can feel scary, but doing nothing changes nothing. And too much analysis = paralysis!
Here are some clients we have worked with – they inspire us so much and we learn a lot from them.
Choose the one(s) that you most relate to:
Escaping from the law:
Transitioning from the public to private sector:
Wanting to get off the hamster wheel
Child friendly work
Work with meaning and purpose
What would be the headline for your desired career transition this year? Why not get in touch and tell us about your dream/goal? Click on this link:
For useful insights, tips and more inspiring examples of career change, follow us on Twitter @talentliberator